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Michael Schaefer Wins Polaris General ATV & Trailer

On Friday, March 23, 2018, Michael Schaefer of Schaefer Custom Homes LLC in College Station, and a member of the Greater Brazos Valley Builders Association, won a Polaris General ATV and trailer when his raffle ticket was drawn during TAB’s Board of Directors meeting. Texas Association of Builders Executive Director Scott Norman delivered the Polaris to Michael on March 28.

Ticket sales benefit the Texas Builders Foundation, the charitable arm of the Texas Association of Builders. Almost all of the 1,000 tickets were sold at $100 each. Thanks to the support of members and non-members who purchased the chance to win the ATV, the Foundation will be able to continue to provide scholarships to students who are working toward construction related certifications or degrees in Texas schools, and to support the workforce development efforts of the Foundation, TAB and our local home builders associations.

Congratulations, Michael!

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