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TAB Builder’s Risk Insurance Program

AUSTIN, Texas - The Texas Association of Builders has a revised and enhanced TAB Builder’s Risk Insurance Program with some of the most well-respected carriers in the insurance industry, including Great American Insurance Group and US Assure, as underwriters.

“The Texas Association of Builders (TAB) is excited to announce a revised and enhanced TAB Builder’s Risk Insurance Program. We look forward to working with some of the most well-respected carriers in the insurance industry, including Great American Insurance Group and US Assure," said Scott Norman, Executive Director, Texas Association of Builders.

This program will provide our builder and remodeler members with the best coverage possible, and we are especially pleased that this program now includes all of Texas, including the state’s 14 coastal counties.”

Great American has been a trusted TAB provider for over 40 years and covers most areas of the state. US Assure is new to the TAB Insurance Program and writes policies across the state including in the 14 first tier coastal counties in Texas. We are excited that the TAB Builder’s Risk Insurance Program is now available to builder and remodeler members in every area of the State of Texas.

The relationship that we have had with local insurance agent members across the state has not changed. These agents are valuable TAB members, and their participation will help to ensure a seamless transition as we expand and grow the TAB Insurance Program.

The Texas Association of Builders is proud to offer our builders and remodelers the protection they need so that they can focus on the business of building homes for Texans.

Contact one of TAB's valued agent members for a Builder’s Risk Insurance Quote. 

Assured Partners Insurance  |  www.ccinsurance.com |  Austin, Hill Country

CBS Insurance  |  www.cbsins.com  |  Abilene

D & H Risk Services, Inc. | www.dhriskservices.com  | Longview

David Tate Insurance Agency  |  (806) 794-1177  |  Lubbock

Higginbotham & Associates  |  www.higginbotham.net  |  Corpus Christi, Houston, Waco

Hotchkiss Insurance  |  www.hiallc.com  |  Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio

HUB International  |  www.hubinternational.com  |  El Paso, Midland, Odessa

Insurance One Agency  | www.insoneagcy.com  |  Austin, Dallas, East Texas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio


INSURICA/DFB Insurance Group  |  www.insurica.com  |  Amarillo

NCW Insurance  |  www.neely.com  |  Amarillo

Pinnacle Insurance Group  |  www.pinnacleinsgroup.com  |  Waco

Program Insurance Group  |  www.pigbcs.com  |  Bryan/College Station, Central Texas, Waco

Sanford and Tatum Insurance Agency  |  www.sanfordtatum.com  |  Lubbock

SHW Insurance Services, Inc.  |  www.shwins.com/buildersrisk  |  Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Tyler

Whitaker Insurance  |  www.whitakerins.com  |  San Antonio

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