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Contracts Package

2023 - 2025 Texas Residential Construction Contracts Package

(Version 10.0)

published: 09/01/2023           expires: 08/31/2025

Texas Association of Builders’ Contracts Package subscription is available to TAB Builder members for only $499.99 (plus tax). It’s your blueprint for typical construction and remodeling transactions in the State of Texas. In addition to reflecting new legislative mandates, the new package includes more additions and enhancements than ever before to the various contracts and agreements, including:

►  Reduction in Statute of Repose from 10 to 6 years with a written warranty;

►  Residential Construction Liability Act modifications;

►  Provisions reflecting vital Texas Supreme Court decisions regarding arbitration;

►  Modifications addressing all-too common wire fraud in the industry;

►  Providing a top-flight safe contingency addendum;

►  Important pool construction disclosures;

►  Updated lot contract provisions;

►  Incorporates a revised real estate broker agreement; and

► Provides many other important risk management changes.

The 2023 Legislative Session saw the most consequential changes in residential construction in the last 30 years! In addition to the Statute of Repose (SOR) being lowered to a period of six years when the builder/remodeler provides a one, two and six year written warranty that covers certain elements of the improvements, the Residential Construction Liability Act (RCLA) saw a massive overhaul that is absolutely unprecedented. As always, the TAB contracts package includes legislatively mandated requirements specific to Texas, the absence of which could result in dire consequences for your business.

Usage Notice: The 2023 - 2025 Texas Residential Construction Contracts documents expire 8/31/2025. Beginning 9/1/2025 the new 2025 - 2027 documents, with all the legislative and regulatory updates, will need to be purchased and implemented on all projects.  The purchase of this Version 10.0 carries a limited license for use by the named, purchasing builder member only, from September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2025 as long as the association membership remains in good standing.

GHBA Usage Notice: If you are a member of the Greater Houston Builders Association, contact their office at (281) 664-1429  for your contracts package access or visit www.GHBA.org.

Contracts Classes: 2023 - 2025 Texas Residential Construction Contracts classes are offered by many of the local home builders associations. Click here to visit the TAB calendar. Contact your local association for class availability.

Preview the following information:

  1. Contract Usage Disclaimer  (Read before purchasing)
  2. Table of Contents  (Preview the full list of contracts here)
  3. Frequently Asked Questions
  4. Download Instructions

Click here to purchase.

Click here to access purchased Contracts Package.

Reminder: Current contracts package expires: 08/31/2025

Please note: Your use of any of the documents contained in the Texas Association of Builders Contracts© Version 10.0 (the “Package”), for any reason, constitutes your agreement to the terms and conditions set forth in this document.  If you do not agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this document, then you do not have permission to use any of the documents contained in the Package and before you use any of the documents contained in the Package, for any reason, you should immediately stop use of the Package in any manner.

Any unauthorized use of the documents contained in the Package may result in termination of your membership and possible legal action seeking appropriate damages.  By using the Package and agreeing to the these terms, you represent that you are a Texas Association of Builders (TAB) member in good standing and that you will abide by the terms of this license.  Should your membership lapse at any time, you will lose access to the Package and any updates to the Package.

The form documents included in the Package have been largely prepared at the request of TAB for the sole use of its builder/remodeler members.  You hereby agree that you will not use, modify, change, alter, reproduce, assign, transfer, copy or otherwise distribute the form documents that are contained on the Package for any purpose other than in connection with a transaction or proposed transaction to which you are or may be a party.  Violation of these terms will result in TAB pursuing any and all available legal remedies.

Purchase and Download Instructions

To purchase the Package, builder members will have to log in to their member Info Hub. If you do not know your log in, watch this video on how to setup your username and password. You will be asked for them when going through the purchase process.

If you need assistance in accessing your Info Hub and/or purhcasing the Package, here are further instructions.

To download the files, simply click on the document, wait for it to load and select "save as" from the file menu. Save it to a selected location on your computer. Once saved, you may begin filling it out. If you do not save the document to your computer BEFORE you begin filling it out, you will LOSE all data. The Word forms were created using Microsoft 365 Word (.docx). If you are using an older version of Microsoft Word, you may experience issues when filling out the documents.

When using the Word documents with check boxes, you will need to double click the check box to open a Field Option pop up window to select "Check" or "Not Check".

In order to use the PDF documents, you will need to have the latest version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader Software installed on your computer. If you do not already have it installed, link to the Adobe website to download Adobe Acrobat Reader. (Please note that if you are trying to use an older version, it may not allow you to save the PDF documents correctly.)

Please note: The list of exhibits and addenda in the contracts have certain items checked by default. Those documents should be included in every contract. Since the TAB contracts package contains standardized forms, other exhibits and addenda will be applicable based on the particular circumstances.

TAB Contracts Committee

The Texas Association of Builders (TAB) has a standing Contracts Committee to ensure that its contracts are comprehensive, up-to-date, and the best product available in Texas.  As such, the TAB contracts provide homeowners and builders an invaluable benefit in the form of enhanced legal protections, reduced liability, clear legal compliance with various Texas laws and a solid written warranty with some of the strongest performance standards in the nation.  Many other form contracts, including the National Association of Home Builders’ contracts, fail to meet numerous statutory requirements in the Texas Property Code, as well as fail to properly waive all implied warranties as outlined by the Supreme Court of Texas, thereby exposing homeowners and builders to serious legal liabilities and significant expenses, including the voiding of non-compliant contracts.

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