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Past Presidents

1947 Fred Buchek, San Antonio*

1948 Miles Strickland, Houston*

1949 E.P. Lamberth, Dallas*

1950 Troy F. Jones, Amarillo*

1951 Joe Driskell, Fort Worth*

1952 E.J. "Jim" Burke, Jr., San Antonio*

1953 Preston Plumb, Houston*

1954 William J. Elliott, El Paso*

1955 W. Hal McGraw, Dallas*

1956 J.G. "Doc" Powers, Tyler*

1957 R. O. Woodson, Corpus Christi*

1958 Edgar von Scheele, San Antonio*

1959 Larry Blackmon, Fort Worth*

1960 Harold Smith, Dallas*

1961 Krist Hubert, Houston*

1962 E. H. "Cotton" Jaroszewski, San Antonio*

1963 C.W.L. "Dub" Dennis, Wichita Falls*

1964 Jesse A. Baker, San Antonio*

1965 Leland G. Lee, Dallas*

1966 Raleigh A. Smith, Jr., Houston*

1967 M.D. "Bucky" Buchanan, Arlington*

1968 C.L. Reeves, Austin*

1969 Neil Whitley, Victoria*

1970 John A. Worley, Dallas*

1971 James H. Uptmore, San Antonio*

1972 Harold P. Hill, Houston*

1973 Willis G. Schoemaker, El Paso*

1974 Herman J. Smith, Fort Worth*

1975 Thurman Barrett, Jr., San Antonio*

1976 James O. Abston, Dallas*

1977 J. L. Phillips, Houston*

1978 Robert C. Findlay, Fort Worth*

1979 Bruce Plunkett, Tyler*

1980 John R. Schatzman, El Paso*

1981 Vernon Smith, Jr., Dallas

1982 Alvin Amelunke, Waco*

1983 Doyle Stuckey, Houston*

1984 Jimmy Rogers, Fort Worth

1985 Don Morgan, Longview

1986 Mike Mahaffey, Dallas*

1987 Trigg Forister, Austin*

1988 Jeff Lewis, Houston

1989 J. B. Sandlin, Fort Worth*

1990 Steve Patrick, Waco*

1991 Arelyn Cox, Lubbock/Fort Worth*

1992 Jerry Smith, Sr., San Antonio

1993 Ron Formby, Fort Worth*

1994 Charles Leyendecker, Houston*

1995 Mike Karm, Houston

1996 C. Kent Conine, Dallas

1997 Randy Neugebauer, Lubbock

1998 Gary Sheffield, Fort Worth

1999 Steve Conaway, Tyler

2000 Randy Birdwell, Houston

2001 Chuck Dennis, Wichita Falls

2002 Douglas Gilliland, Ft. Worth

2003 Bob Garrett, Tyler

2004 Bobby Bowling IV, El Paso

2005 Ray Tonjes, Austin

2006 George Lewis, Dallas*

2007 Jerry Carter, Dallas

2008 Rick Montelongo, San Antonio

2008 Andy Hutchison, Lubbock

2009 Ron Connally, Amarillo*

2010 G. Granger MacDonald, Kerrville*

2011 Randy Bayer, Houston

2012 David Miller, Lubbock

2013 Eddie Martin, Houston

2014 Joe Carlyle, Troup

2015 Steve Sorrells, Waco

2016 Tim Jackson, Fairview

2017 Rick McGuire, Lubbock

2018 Justin MacDonald, Kerrville

2019 Robert Wood, Lubbock

2020  Randy Bowling, El Paso

2021  Susan Wright, San Antonio

2022  Gene Lantrip, Abilene

2023  Donnie Evans, Dallas

2024  Don Allen, Fort Worth

NOTE: * Denotes Deceased

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